W'vindhi "Windy" Nakki

Crystal/Aether | Mateus/Sargatanas | Seeker of the Sun | PST


name: W'vindhi Nakki
nicknames: Windy, Vin, The Hound of Wellwick, Hey Asshole
age: early/mid twenties
gender: cis female
race: seeker of the sun miqo'te
nameday: 14th sun of the 3rd umbral moon
orientation: bisexual
alignment: chaotic good
occupation: coliseum pit fighter
residence: a small apartment in Ul'dah
skills: good old-fashioned hand-to-hand combat, dancing, holding a grudge
appearance: Vindhi is a sun seeker miqo'te of athletic build. Tall and muscled, she has the dark skin, green eyes, and red hair that mark her as an average member of the Vandatr Wolf tribe. She has a scruffy, somewhat androgynous appearance, and is occasionally mistaken for male at first glance. Years of close combat have left her with a number of scars on her body, and her left eye is damaged beyond repair. She keeps it covered with an eyepatch at all times.

note: Windy has a WoL version of herself with somewhat different circumstances and a slightly different personality due to having Actual Responsibilities, and I might do a write-up on that later for kicks, but unless otherwise requested or noted assume the one being played is the non-WoL version.


Despite being a formidable fighter, Windy has a lot to learn when it comes to navigating interpersonal relationships. She can be cocky, sarcastic, egotistic, and quick to provoke others; she's not much of a diplomat. She's stubborn to a fault, and will keep pushing against a problem until either it breaks or she does.

That said, that tenacity does come in handy; she has a hard time refusing someone in need of help, and once she's set her mind to something she's going to see it to the end to the best of her ability. She's a woman of her word and takes a lot of pride in being able to finish what she's started.


still WIP but here's a picture of the twins. they're doin great

|The Vandatr|


|RP Hooks|

  • Blood to Sand: Windy is a fairly accomplished fighter in Ul'dah's coliseum, and she's had her share of wins and losses. Did she kick your ass there before? Maybe you wiped the floor with her instead! Or perhaps you were a spectator, or a medic who's patched her up after she's eaten dirt for the umpteenth time. The Bloodsands are her home, and if you've spent any amount of time there you're likely to have seen her.

  • Sun Howler: There is a branch of Wolf-tribe miqo'te residing in Eastern Thanalan known as the Vandatr, with trade deals with neighboring settlements. While the appearance of its members varies, the defining phenotype of the tribe is red hair and green eyes; to people who are familiar with the area, Windy would be recognizable as a member of such. Vindhi herself was residing in the area up until about a year or two before the Calamity, so if a character was in the area during or prior to that time, the two might have crossed paths!

  • Out of Touch: While Vin is no longer in contact with her tribe, she still keeps a number of its traditions with her, and she misses that life more than she'd be willing to admit. While it's pretty unlikely that she would just nix her totem and jump into someone else's tribe, a part of her misses that old connection.

  • Seeing Double: On that note, Vindhi has a twin, W'luska, who these days is a self-styled wandering arbiter of justice. If you've spent a large amount of time in continental Eorzea, there's a possibility you've seen a male miqo'te in white who looks almost exactly like Vin. The two do not have a good relationship.

  • Kiss With a Fist: In both culture and career, combat is Vin's life. The meeting of fist to flesh is her favored method of communication and she is pretty much always down for a good fight! Win or lose, it's a great way to blow off steam.

Wildcard: Got another idea? Shoot me a message and we'll spitball something!

Red | 25+ | ♀ | PST

  • I live in the Pacific timezone, and life is Weird right now! I'm usually more available in the evenings.

  • I'm over 18 and would strongly prefer RPing with others who are 18+ as well. Adult content with players/characters who are underage is a hard no.

  • I tend to prefer in-game rp, but I'm down for discord rp as well! You can contact me either in-game, on tumblr, or through discord at Red#4298. (note: i'm not the most experienced writer in the world, and can be a bit slow—apologies!)

  • I'm super open to injuries, fighting, etc; given the sort of character Windy is, I kinda expect it! Nevertheless, for really serious injuries and the like, please discuss it with me beforehand!

  • I am not my character; please be able to maintain a healthy separation of IC and OOC.

  • I'm open to playing out darker themes; just give me a heads up ahead of time!

  • I like to think I'm hella chill and I'm always open to questions. If you're not sure, just ask!